1 The organisation of national and international shows
1.1 General conditions and restrictions
- No shows may be held during the weekend immediately following the General Assembly.
- The most recent version of the FIFe show calendar is published on the FIFe website.
- Any appeal against a show can only be made to shows up to two years in advance.
- Shows can be held on any day of the week.
1.2 Request for organising a show
A request for a license to organise a show must be made by the FIFe Member through the show request tool on the FIFe website at least one month in advance of the exact date of the event.
Shows can only be booked up to 10 calendar years in advance.
FIFe Members are responsible to check if the minimum required distance between shows (→ § 1.4) is observed before sending a request for a license to organise a show giving a fixed place.
1.3 License fee for organising a show
The request for a license to organise a national or an international show is subject to a fee in Euro
(→ FIFe General Rules Annex 1), the amount of which is fixed by the FIFe General Assembly.
For shows according to § 1.11.a – § 1.11.c, payment is due for only one show. For shows according to § 1.11.d – § 1.11.f, payment is due for two shows.
For shows according to § 1.11.g – § 1.11.h, payment is due for three shows.
1.4 Distance between shows
If several shows (national or international) are planned for the same day by different FIFe Members, there must be no less than 400 km by road between the different locations.
The show first applied for takes priority.
Only shows giving a fixed date, place and its postal code will be protected by the 400-km rule.
Those shows which, in the first instance, give no fixed place or a fixed place without postal code will not be accepted if the subsequently submitted place / postal code is within 400 km of an already accepted show.
Cat shows held in cities less than 400 km apart may be organised on the same date providing the respective FIFe Members agree. Written agreements from these Members must be sent to the FIFe Secretary at least two months before the date of the show.
1.5 Wild cats, Munchkin and Scottish Fold
It is forbidden to exhibit, promote or advertise:
- any type of “wild” cat or any breed based on “wild” cats (→ FIFe General Rules § 13.1)
1.6 International show
In order to obtain the right to organise an International Show and to issue certificates CAC, CAP, CACIB, CAPIB, CAGCIB, CAGPIB, CACS and CAPS, the organisers must comply with the conditions of the present rules.
1.7 The FIFe rosette
A FIFe rosette shall be awarded at each International show.
1.8 Conditions for an international show
A show called “International” must satisfy the following conditions:
- One or more international judge(s) is/are present and at least one of these is from a foreign country.
- A veterinarian is present at the entrance to the show in order to examine the exhibits and can be reached during the entire show. At the show organising FIFe Member’s discretion, the veterinary examination can be performed either randomly or on all exhibits.
At shows arranged on two consecutive days by the same Member and if the show organisers so wish, those cats that are exhibited on both days need only go through the veterinary examination on the first day of the show.
- The cats must have been vaccinated against feline panleucopenia, feline calici virus and feline herpes virus, and have always had the required vaccinations and/or boosters, at least 15 days prior to the show. Vaccination against rabies is to be according to national legislation.
All vaccinations are to be performed by a veterinarian in accordance with the national veterinary legislation of the country where the cat is living. The period of validity for the vaccinations is marked by the veterinarian in the pet passport or on the vaccination certificate and must always be respected. FIFe Members may not impose stricter vaccination rules.
It is the exhibitor’s own responsibility to check the veterinary rules of the country where the show is held.
- It is desired that judges, student judges and stewards are vaccinated against tetanus in accordance with medical regulations.
- At least 150 cats, of which at least 80% must be pedigree cats, must be entered in one of the classes 1 – 12 or 14 and listed in the catalogue. In case these numbers are not reached
7 days before the show, the FIFe Member shall declare the show as “national”, with a minimum number of 80 cats.
- In countries with developing areas or in special cases Members can ask for permission of the FIFe Board to organise shows with less than 150 cats up to a minimum number of 100 cats. The written permission can be given by the FIFe Board after thorough evaluation of the reasons.
- The minimum number of cats required for international shows in certain countries (→ Annex 1)
is reduced to 80, of which at least 80% must be pedigree cats, entered in one of the classes 1
– 12 or 14 and listed in the catalogue.
- Official documents, show invitations, show catalogues, judges’ reports and diplomas, carrying the FIFe logo should be printed in the Latin (Western) alphabet, in addition – if needed – to the national alphabet (→ FIFe General Rules § 13.4).
- When ISO-codes for country names are used, they shall be the international ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code of country names (→ FIFe General Rules, Annex 2).
1.9 Conditions for a national show
The following articles of § 1 apply for the organisation of a National Show:
– § 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4 and 1.5
– § 1.6 by:
- replacing “international” by “national”
– § 1.8 by:
- replacing the text under § 1.8.e by: at least 80 cats, of which at least 80% must be pedigree cats, must be entered for competition and listed in the catalogue
- deleting the text under § 1.8.g.
1.10 The organiser’s responsibility
The organisers must:
- invite recognised judges (→ § 6.1).
- cover the judges and staff of the show by an insurance policy (clubs which cannot insure foreign judges, student judges and stewards while they are officiating at the show must notify them in advance, so that they are given the opportunity to insure themselves in their own country).
- publish a schedule stating:
- the date of the show
- the location and address of the show hall
- the closing date for registration
- the amount of the entry fee
- a list of the officiating judges, including (the ISO-code of) their country of residence – and not of membership – and the categories they are qualified to judge
- a list of hotels where cats are admitted in order to allow exhibitors to make their own reservations
- entry requirements concerning health and border formalities
- opening and closing times of the show
- account numbers (bank or others) to which payment of the entry fees must be done.
- give the necessary documents to the judge before the judging commences, including – as soon as possible – a list of absent cats.
- make judging cages (near the judge’s table in the judge’s ring) available for a minimum number of 4 cats.
- equip the judging cages with partitions.
- send the name and address of the hotel to the officiating judges at least 14 days before the show. The judges must also be informed as to the transfer to the hotel.
- send all correspondence with regard to invitations (→ § 1.10.a), as well as hotels and transfers (→ § 1.10.h) to the judge’s (email) address which appears on the official FIFe judges list.
1.11 Definition of show types
When organising shows (national or international), FIFe Members must adhere to the following show types:
- One 1 day, 1 certificate show
- One 2 day, 1 certificate show (always applicable to shows as listed in § 2)
- Two 1 day, 1 certificate show (with different categories or different breeds on the 2 days)
- Two 1 day, 2 certificate show
- One 1 day, 2 certificate show
- Two 1 day, 2 certificate show (with different categories or different breeds on the 2 days) g. One 2 day, 3 certificate show
h. One 2 day, 3 certificate show (with different categories or different breeds on the 2 days).
With the exception of shows as listed in § 2, shows may be organised for all or for a restricted number of categories or breeds. They may be spread over 2 consecutive days if split by categories or breeds.
The show type shall be displayed for all shows listed on the official show calendar on the FIFe website. When applicable, restricted categories or breeds shall be indicated.
Each FIFe Member can organize once per year a combination of shows where a cat could obtain three certificates during two consecutive days (→ § 1.11.g and 1.11.h). Such a show type must appear clearly at least 6 months prior to its date in the official FIFe show calendar.
Judges can officiate at two shows per day, provided that the limit of cats to be judged per day is respected (according to § 6.1.3).
1.12 Payment of show entry fees
Payment of show entry fees must be effectuated in accordance with the instructions from the show organising club.
Guarantee for payment of entry fees only applies to exhibits whose entries have been confirmed by the FIFe Member or club to which the owner of the cat belongs.
1.13 Showing abroad
The entry form must be completed and submitted in accordance with the instructions from the show organising club.
When entering cats for shows abroad:
- the entry form must be completed and submitted in accordance with the instructions from the show organising club
- a copy of the entry form must be sent by the cat’s owner to the FIFe Member or its affiliated club where he holds his membership in accordance with the instructions from the FIFe Member/club
- by using an online entry tool for entering cats:
- the cat’s owner shall certify that the entered data is true and correct and confirm that he shall respect the FIFe show rules
1.14 The catalogue
The FIFe logo and the logo of the FIFe Member must be printed on the front page of the catalogue. The catalogue of a cat show must contain at least the following data of each exhibit:
- catalogue number
- name and title(s) of the exhibit
- designation of breed and colour (EMS-code)
- group number (only applicable to breeds that are being judged in groups)
- date of birth
- sex
- class in which the cat is to be judged
- the names and EMS-codes of the parents of the exhibit (not applicable to house cats)
- the name of the breeder (not applicable to house cats)
- the name of the owner.
The catalogue must also contain:
- a list of the officiating judges, including (the ISO-code of) their country of residence – and not of membership – and the categories they are qualified to judge
- a list of the owners of all exhibits, at least indicating:
- the name of the owner
- the ISO-code of the owners’ country of residence
- the organisation or club where the owner holds his membership
- the catalogue number(s) of his exhibit(s).
For shows where cats can obtain a certificate on several days or 2 certificates on the same day, a joint catalogue may be published, provided for all cats it is clearly indicated at which show(s) they compete.
1.15 Cats appearing in the catalogue
- All entries in the catalogue are liable for payment of the entry fee even in case of absence.
If the exhibitor is unable to attend due to unforeseen circumstances before closing date (date of postmarked letter is decisive), he is obliged to inform the organisers in writing.
- Only cats appearing in the catalogue may compete. Last minute entries accepted after the catalogue is printed may compete when the relevant information of these exhibits (→ § 1.14) is published as an annex to the catalogue.
- All cats shall appear in the catalogue in accordance with FIFe rules, no matter which organisationissued the cat’s pedigree. They may only be entered and compete by using an EMS code in accordance with the FIFe EMS System and the registration rules for the relevant breed / variety (→ FIFe Breeding & Registration Rules § 6, 7, 8 and 9); this accordance also applies to the EMS code of the cat’s parents.
- It is not allowed to remove the cats from the show hall before the end of the show without special permission of the organiser.
1.16 The show archives
Show organisers must keep the following documents of each show for a minimum period of 3 years:
- all copies of judges’ reports
- the original list of the cats proposed by each judge for Best in Show
- copies of the list stating all cats nominated for Best in Show
- the show catalogue
- the result list (including Best in Variety, Nomination for Best in Show and Best in Show)
- the list of absent cats.
All documents shall be available in a paper printed and/or an electronically saved version if requested by the FIFe Secretariat or by the FIFe Member resp. its club whose members took part in the show.
1.17 Responsibility for the organising club concerning exhibitors and visitors
The organising club is responsible for:
- sending the confirmation of acceptance to the exhibitor.
The confirmation to foreign exhibitors must be send at least 2 weeks prior to the show. Exceptions: unforeseen circumstances.
- setting the entry fee for each of its shows.
- controlling the necessary arrangements and security of the show. It should be noted in particular that:
- it is prohibited to place cages on top of one another
- cages must be of sufficient size (minimum: 50 x 50 x 50 cm per cat), in order to ensure the comfort of the exhibit
- one cat per single cage a maximum of three cats per double cage (exceptions are made for litters)
- there must be a minimum of 1.25 m walking space for the visitors between the rows of cages.
- observing age classification in case of:
- a 1-day show: the day of the show being decisive
- a show split over more than 1 day by category: the day on which the concerning category is scheduled being decisive
- another type of show spread over more than 1 day: the first day of the show being decisive.
2 World Show and Winner Shows
Every year a FIFe World Show will be held and conducted in accordance with the following rules.
2.1 Application for the World Show
The National FIFe Member interested in conducting the World Show files an application with the FIFe Board. The FIFe Board decides where the show is to be held. As long as unconsidered applications are available, the World Show is not to be allocated to the same FIFe Member for the second time.
2.2 Date of the World Show
The World Show shall always take place on the last weekend in October and must appear clearly in the official FIFe show calendar.
All granted applications shall be listed, the restriction in § 1.2 does not apply to World Shows.
2.3 Qualifications for the World Show
Only cats of fully recognised breeds and their fully recognised varieties as well as house cats belonging to individual FIFe members may participate at the World Show.
Participation in the World Show is only possible for cats which have obtained the minimum necessary qualification depending on the class in which they compete at the World Show:
- Classes 1 – 6 (adults and neuters):
- No qualification needed, cats having obtained the title International Champion, International Premier or higher are automatically qualified.
- Classes 7 – 10 (adults and neuters):
- 3x Excellent 1 in classes 11 – 12 or
- 1x Best in Variety in classes 7 – 12 or
- 1x Nomination for Best in Show in classes 7 – 12
- For classes 8 and 10 (neuters): no qualification needed for cats having obtained the title International Champion or higher, these cats are automatically qualified.
- Class 11 (juniors):
- 3x Excellent 1 in classes 11 – 12 or
- 1x Best in Variety in classes 11 – 12 or
- 1x Nomination for Best in Show in classes 11 – 12.
- Class 12 (kittens):
- 1x Excellent 1 in class 12.
- Class 14 (house cats):
- 1x Nomination for Best in Show house cats
- No qualification needed for Distinguished Show Merit (DSM) house cats, these cats are automatically qualified.
In all cases where qualifications apply: the qualification period is the 13 months period prior to the World Show.
Qualifications obtained during the 13 months period prior to the World Show by cats belonging to breeds resp. varieties in preliminary recognition phase are valid if the breed resp. variety achieves full recognition prior to the date of the World Show.
The qualification for the World Show is checked and confirmed by the National Federation or Club where the exhibitor holds his membership.
2.4 World Winner title
Each cat winning at the Best in Show will receive the title World Winner (WW) also mentioning the year of the show. The winning cats will have their title registered in their pedigree in the same way as other official FIFe titles (→ § 4.1.1).
The World Winners will be listed on the FIFe website per year.
2.5 Restrictions for shows on date of the World Show
No other FIFe show will be allowed on the same weekend that the FIFe World Show takes place.
2.6 Winner Shows
- FIFe Members from countries as listed in § 2.6.6 may once a year organise a Winner Show. They shall decide amongst themselves which FIFe Member in the group (consisting of at least 3 different members) organises their Winner Show in a particular year.
- Winner Shows may take place in any month of the year (except October and November) and must appear clearly at least 1 year prior to their date in the official FIFe show calendar.
- Only one Winner show is allowed on the same weekend.
- No other FIFe show will be allowed in the countries in a particular group on the same weekend that their Winner Show takes place.
- The qualifications for the Winner Shows are the same as for the World Show: § 2.3 applies.
- Each cat winning at the Best in Show will receive the appropriate Winner title, also mentioning the year of the show. The winning cats will have the title registered in their pedigree in the same way as other official FIFe titles (→ § 4.1.1).
- The official Winner Shows are:
Name of show | Organising FIFe Member countries |
American Winner Show | Argentina, Brazil, Mexico |
Baltic Winner Show | Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania |
Black Sea Winner Show | Moldova, Romania, Ukraine |
Central European Winner Show | Austria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia |
Mediterranean Winner Show | Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain |
North Sea Winner Show | Belgium, Germany, Netherlands, United Kingdom |
Scandinavian Winner Show | Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden |
- FIFe Members may propose additions (a new group of FIFe Members and their Winner Show) and/or modifications (for example to join or leave a group or to change to another group) to the list in § 2.6.6. FIFe Members may only be part in 1 group as listed in § 2.6.6.
2.7 Specific rules for the World Show and Winner Shows
During the World Show and Winner Show a judge shall judge the maximum number of 60 cats. FIFe Members conducting shows as outlined in this chapter are required to ensure that:
- all judges officiating in a category shall participate in the Best in Show panel of that category
- if needed, a referee judge (→ § 4.9.7) shall be available and announced to participate in the Best in Show panel of a category, to avoid decisions by drawing lots.
Exceptions: circumstances beyond control.
Certificates obtained at shows arranged according to § 2 can be considered as being obtained in any country when needed to comply with the requirement of the number of different countries in § 4.3, 4.4 or 4.5.
2.8 Best in Show titles house cats
At shows arranged according to this chapter, house cats are given the titles:
- Best in Show house cat longhair
- Best in Show house cat shorthair.
3 Admission to shows
3.1 Registration in the Pedigree book
All cats entered for a show must be registered in the Pedigree Book of the FIFe Member to which the owner belongs with the exception of:
- house cats
- cats entered by exhibitors as outlined in § 8.2.2.
The following cats may not have been entered in the Pedigree Book yet, but must have their registration pending:
- kittens (4 – 8 months)
- cats imported from other organisations, entered for the show in classes 9 – 13.
3.2 Micro-chipping
It is recommended that where possible micro-chipping should be used as a form of identification of show and breeding cats.
3.3 Minimum age
The minimum age of a cat must be at least 4 months during the show.
This rule applies to International and National Shows, Seminars and Breed and Propaganda Shows.
3.4 Admission to shows
Cats must have the tips of the nails cut before arrival at the show hall. Not admitted to shows are:
- lactating queens
- pregnant queens
- dwarf cats
- de-clawed cats
- cats with deformities of the feet or legs (for example poly- or oligodactylism)
- blind cats
- deaf cats
- cats with docked tails
- cats with cropped ears
- unneutered house cats aged 12 months or older
- tattooed cats, except when having a tattoo with an identifying code as a form of registration (→ FIFe Breeding & Registration Rules, § 3.4).
Other cats belonging to the same exhibitor may be admitted to the show, in consideration of § 3.8.
3.5 White cats
White cats must have a veterinary certificate stating that they are not deaf.
3.6 Competing according to phenotype
A cat competes at shows according to its physical appearance (phenotype).
If this differs from its known genotype, both the cat’s known genotype and phenotype must be noted in the pedigree. The phenotype must be in accordance with the description of the EMS system and must be written in brackets.
3.7 Locking of cages
It is prohibited – under penalty of exclusion from competition – to lock the cages with padlocks and/or to let cats change cages before judging is finished.
3.8 Symptoms of sickness during the vetting in or during the show
If during the vetting in or during the show the officiating veterinarian discovers that a cat shows symptoms of sickness (for example: viral, bacterial, fungal or parasitical), the cat in question, together with all other cats belonging to the same exhibitor, will be denied admission to the show hall resp. must be removed immediately from the show hall.
3.9 Faults leading to disqualification
→ Table of faults in the Annexes
3.10 General faults in all breeds
→ Table of faults in the Annexes
4 Show titles and certificates
4.1 Show titles and certificates
4.1.1 Show titles and their abbreviations
Show title | Abbr. | § | Remark |
Championship/Premiorship titles | |||
Kitten Champion | KCH | 4.2 | These titles are placed before the full name of the cat |
Junior Champion | JCH | 4.2 | |
Champion | CH | 4.2 | |
Premior | PR | 4.2 | |
International Champion | IC | 4.3 | |
International Premior | IP | 4.3 | |
Grand International Champion | GIC | 4.4 | |
Grand International Premior | GIP | 4.4 | |
Supreme Champion | SC | 4.5 | |
Supreme Premior | SP | 4.5 | |
Winner titles | |||
Junior Winner | JW | 4.15 | This title is placed after the full name of the cat |
Distinguished Senior Winner | DSW | 4.18 | |
National Winner | NW | 4.17 | This title is placed before the full name and before possible Championship/Premiorship titles of the cat |
American Winner | AW | 2.6.5 | These titles + the year are placed before the full name and before possible Championship/Premiorship titles of the cat |
Baltic Winner | BW | 2.6.5 | |
Black Sea Winner | BSW | 2.6.5 | |
Central European Winner | CEW | 2.6.5 | |
Mediterranean Winner | MW | 2.6.5 | |
North Sea Winner | NSW | 2.6.5 | |
Scandinavian Winner | SW | 2.6.5 | |
World Winner | WW | 2.4 | |
Merit titles | |||
Distinguished Merit | DM | 4.13 | These titles are placed after the full name of the cat |
Distinguished Show Merit | DSM | 4.14 | |
Distinguished Variety Merit | DVM | 4.16 |
For preliminary recognised breeds or preliminary recognised varieties of a recognised breed, the abbreviations of the titles Kitten Champion, Junior Champion, Champion, Premior, International Champion and International Premior will be preceded by a “P” indicating a preliminary title (i.e. PKCH, PJCH, PCH, PPR, PIC, PIP).
All FIFe show titles are only available for FIFe registered cats (and house cats), owned by individual members of national FIFe Members.
4.1.2 Certificates and their abbreviations
Name of certificate | Abbreviation of certificate |
Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat des Chatons de Beauté | CACC |
Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat des Jeunes de Beauté | CACJ |
Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat de Beauté | CAC |
Certificat d’Aptitude au Premium de Beauté | CAP |
Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat International de Beauté | CACIB |
Certificat d’Aptitude au Premium International de Beauté | CAPIB |
Certificat d’Aptitude au Grand Championnat International de Beauté | CAGCIB |
Certificat d’Aptitude au Grand Premium International de Beauté | CAGPIB |
Certificat d’Aptitude au Championnat Suprême de Beauté | CACS |
Certificat d’Aptitude au Premium Suprême de Beauté | CAPS |
4.2 Obtaining the title Kitten Champion, Junior Champion, Champion or Premior
Provided the exhibit has obtained at least the minimum number of required points (→ § 6.9):
- CACC is awarded in the Kitten class (class 12)
- CACJ is awarded in the Junior class (class 11)
- CAC is awarded in the ‘Open’ class
- CAP is awarded in the ‘Neuter’ class.
In order to obtain the title Kitten Champion, Junior Champion, Champion or Premior, a cat must have been awarded:
- 3 (three) CACC, CACJ, CAC respectively CAP
- by 3 (three) different judges
- during 3 (three) national or international FIFe shows.
4.3 Obtaining the title International Champion or International Premior
Provided the exhibit has obtained at least the minimum number of required points (→ § 6.9):
- CACIB is awarded in the ‘Champion’ class
- CAPIB is awarded in the ‘Premior’ class.
In order to obtain the title International Champion or International Premior, a cat must have been awarded:
- 3 (three) CACIB respectively CAPIB
- by 3 (three) different judges
- in at least 2 (two) different countries
- during 3 (three) international FIFe shows.
A maximum of 2 (two) CACIB respectively CAPIB could be obtained in the same country. Exceptions are made for individual members residing in countries outlined in Annexes 2, 3 and 4.
4.4 Obtaining the title Grand International Champion or Grand International Premior
Provided the exhibit has obtained at least the minimum number of required points (→ § 6.9):
- CAGCIB is awarded in the ‘International Champion’ class
- CAGPIB is awarded in the ‘International Premior’ class.
In order to obtain the title Grand International Champion or Grand International Premior, a cat must have been awarded:
- 6 (six) CAGCIB respectively CAGPIB
- by at least 3 (three) different judges
- in at least 3 (three) different countries
- during 6 (six) international FIFe shows.
A maximum of 4 (four) CAGCIB respectively CAGPIB could be obtained in the same country
OR if the requirements of § 4.4.a are not fulfilled after the cat has obtained 6 (six) CAGCIB / CAGPIB:
- 8 (eight) CAGCIB respectively CAGPIB
- by at least 4 (four) different judges
- in at least 2 (two) different countries
- during 8 (eight) international FIFe shows.
A maximum of 7 (seven) CAGCIB resp. CAGPIB could be obtained in the same country. Exceptions are made for individual members residing in countries as outlined in Annexes 3 and 4.
4.5 Obtaining the title Supreme Champion or Supreme Premior
Provided the exhibit has obtained at least the minimum number of required points (→ § 6.9):
- CACS is awarded in the ‘Grand International Champion’ class
- CAPS is awarded in the ‘Grand International Premior’ class.
In order to obtain the title Supreme Champion or Supreme Premior, a cat must have been awarded:
- 9 (nine) CACS respectively CAPS
- by at least 3 (three) different judges
- in at least 3 (three) different countries
- during 9 (nine) international FIFe shows.
A maximum of 7 (seven) CACS respectively CAPS could be obtained in the same country.
OR if the requirements of § 4.5.a are not fulfilled after the cat has obtained 9 (nine) CACS / CAPS:
- 11 (eleven) CACS respectively CAPS
- by at least 6 (six) different judges
- in at least 2 (two) different countries
- during 11 (eleven) international FIFe shows.
A maximum of 10 (ten) CACS respectively CAPS could be obtained in the same country. Exceptions are made for individual members residing in countries as outlined in Annexes 3 and 4.
4.6 Approval of titles
Certificates which are recognised as qualifications for the titles Kitten Champion, Junior Champion, Champion, Premior, International Champion, International Premior, Grand International Champion, Grand International Premior, Supreme Champion and Supreme Premior will become valid only after approval by the National Federation or National Club to which the exhibitor belongs.
In order to obtain a title, the owner of a cat must notify the National Secretariat within the next month following the receipt of the last required certificate towards a title.
Certificates and titles which are not obtained according to FIFe Rules should not be recognised. All certificates for a title must have been obtained in the same variety (EMS code) / group.
If a change in EMS code results in a change of variety / group, then:
- already approved titles must always be retained (for recognised varieties)
- all certificates for the next title must be obtained in the new variety / group.
4.7 Going to a higher class
§ 4.7 does not apply to classes 11 and 12.
As soon as an exhibit has obtained all required certificates towards a title, in consideration of § 4.2, 4.3, 4.4, 4.5 and 4.6, it is obligatory for this cat to be exhibited in the following higher class.
A cat that has already obtained the maximum number of required certificates towards a title in the same country, may not be entered in the concerning class on a show in this country again. As long as it does not fulfil the requirements for the following higher class, the cat may only be exhibited out of competition. Shows as outlined in § 2 (→ § 2.9) are exempted from this rule.
4.8 Best in Variety (BIV)
- Best in Variety will be chosen by the judge among all cats of one variety disregarding age or sex on condition that at least 3 exhibits of this variety are present.
- In case of a larger number of competitors a maximum of 3 different BIV can be decided upon (kitten, junior and adults) under application of the above-mentioned rule (→ page 33 for minimum possibilities).
- Neuters aged at least 12 months compete separately among themselves for Best in Variety neuter.
- To achieve Best in Variety the exhibit must have obtained at least 95 points.
- A judge is at liberty to withhold Best in Variety if the exhibits do not have sufficient merit, however Best in Variety cannot be refused if an exhibit has obtained the necessary 95 points in its class.
4.9 Nomination for Best in Show (NOM) and Best in Show (BIS)
4.9.1 Nomination for Best in Show (NOM)
Each judge may nominate one exhibit in each category (→ page 36) he is judging as:
- adult male
- adult female
- adult neuter male
- adult neuter female
- junior 8-12 months (not divided by sex)
- kitten 4-8 months (not divided by sex).
House cats can have a maximum of 4 nominations which may not be subdivided by age:
- male shorthair
- female shorthair
- male longhair
- female longhair.
4.9.2 Conditions for Nomination for Best in Show
The exhibit must belong to a recognised variety of a fully recognised breed (not applicable to house cats).
The exhibit must have obtained at least 97 points.
Nomination for Best in Show cannot be refused, if the exhibit has obtained the necessary 97 points in its class.
Provided the exhibit has obtained at least 97 points, a judge may nominate:
- an adult cat for Best in Show adult even if it has been beaten for Best in Variety by a junior or a kitten, or by another adult of the opposite sex in the same variety
- a neuter for Best in Show neuter even if it has been beaten for Best in Variety by another neuter of the opposite sex in the same variety
- a junior for Best in Show junior even if it has been beaten for Best in Variety by an adult cat or a kitten in the same variety
- a kitten for Best in Show kitten even if it has been beaten for Best in Variety by an adult cat or a junior in the same variety.
When a judge has completed judging and nominations for one or more categories have been selected, it is not permitted for this judge to recommence judging other cats of the same categories, with the exception of cats of non-recognised varieties or cats belonging to preliminary recognised or non- recognised breeds.
Probational judges may nominate their best exhibits.
4.9.3 Best in Show (BIS)
For the categories at shows → page 36. The Best in Show can be chosen from:
- overall: category 1, 2, 3 and 4 together
- separate: category 1, 2, 3 and 4
- combined: category 1 and 2 together and/or category 3 and 4 together.
When Best in Show is:
- overall, the panel is composed of at least one International all-breed judge
- separate, international judges in their specific categories can be called upon
- combined, the panel is composed of at least one International judge qualified for the two particularcategories.
Each category can have six (6) Best in Show titles:
- adult male
- adult female
- adult neuter male
- adult neuter female
- junior 8-12 months (not divided by sex)
- kitten 4-8 months (not divided by sex).
At the show organiser’s discretion:
- the Best in Show adult male and the Best in Show adult female may compete together for Best in Show adult versus Best in Show Opposite Sex adult (BOS)
- the Best in Show adult neuter male and the Best in Show adult neuter female may compete together for Best in Show neuter versus Best in Show Opposite Sex neuter (BOS).
House cats can have a maximum of 2 Best in Show titles:
- Best in Show house cat shorthair and Best in Show house cat longhair, or
- Best in Show house cat male and Best in Show house cat female, or
- Best in Show house cat.
4.9.4 Breed Best in Show
Show organisers may hold a separate Best in Show for a breed on the following conditions:
- There are at least 40 cats listed in the catalogue in the classes 1 – 12 of any given breed (defined by EMS code). Any sister breed (→ FIFe Breeding & Registration Rules, § 6.1) may be included at the show organiser’s discretion.
- The other breeds of the category in question listed in the catalogue in the classes 1 – 12 must number at least 30 in total.
- Only cats belonging to fully recognised breeds and their fully recognised varieties shall be taken into account when establishing the number of cats as indicated in § and §
- Breeds that have a “Breed BIS” do not compete in the Best in Show of their category. Judges maynominate 6 exhibits for the “Breed BIS” and 6 for the Best in Show of the other breeds in the category (→ § 4.9.1).
- Best in Show titles of “Breed BIS” have full validity towards FIFe titles DSM, DSW and JW.
- Such “Breed BIS” are limited to one per day, regardless of the category.
- The number of 40 cats is the lowest limit; FIFe Members may increase the minimum number for “Breed BIS” for their shows or countries to a higher one.
- It is not compulsory to hold a “Breed BIS” nor can there be an automatic expectancy; this is
up to the decision of the individual show organiser or FIFe Member.
- A “Breed BIS” may be entered as a remark on the official FIFe show list on the website using the format DD/MM/YYYY Breed BIS: XXX, where XXX is the EMS code of the relevant breed. Except for shows on one date, also the date must be indicated, for example 01/01/2012 Breed BIS: BSH.
- 10. A “Breed BIS” shall not be applied on shows as outlined in § 2.
4.9.5 Best in Show at single-breed shows
Single-breed shows are shows which are open for entry for 1 breed only (defined by EMS-code).
At the show organiser’s discretion sister breeds (→ FIFe Breeding & Registration Rules, § 6.1) may be eligible for entry.
At single-breed shows each judge may nominate 8 exhibits:
- adult male
- adult female
- adult neuter male
- adult neuter female
- junior male 8-12 months
- junior female 8-12 months
- kitten male 4-8 months
- kitten female 4-8 months.
A single-breed show can have the following 8 Best in Show titles:
- adult male
- adult female
- adult neuter male
- adult neuter female
- junior male 8-12 months
- junior female 8-12 months
- kitten male 4-8 months
- kitten female 4-8 months.
Remark: this article only applies to the Best in Show in the case of a single-breed show and should not be confused or combined with the Breed Best in Show as outlined in § 4.9.4.
4.9.6 Conditions for Best in Show
The show organiser must provide each judge in the Best in Show panel with a list containing the catalogue number, the sex, the date of birth (or the age) and the EMS-code of the nominated cats presented for the Best in Show jury.
Probational and student judges must be present at the panel. The cats have to be presented:
- by stewards
- with their catalogue number and EMS-code.
The cats are examined and handled by each member of the Best in Show jury; this examination is done in public.
4.9.7 Voting during Best in Show
The voting during the Best in Show must be public and the number of votes a nominated cat has received must be shown by the judges or announced by the show organiser.
Voting and the results of the Best in Show must be announced also in English if another language is used.
A judge shall not abstain from voting during the Best in Show, except if he is not qualified to judge all presented breeds: in that case he must abstain from voting.
A vote issued by a student judge or a probational judge never counts towards the result of the voting. The exhibit achieving the highest number of votes will be declared Best in Show.
In every single case where the votes are equal, a decision shall be made as follows:
- Those judges who did not vote for the cats with the highest number of votes shall vote again, this time considering only the cats that obtained the highest number of votes.
- If all judges in the panel voted for the cats with the highest number of votes, a decision must be made by a referee judge.
A referee judge is a judge officiating at the show who is qualified to judge the presented breeds but who did not participate in voting in the particular panel.
If a referee judge is not available, a decision must be made by the drawing lots.
4.10 BIV, NOM and BIS on the result sheet
The titles Best in Variety (BIV), Nomination for Best in Show (NOM) and Best in Show (BIS) must be indicated on the result sheets.
4.11 Neuters participation in BIV and BIS
4.12 World Winner (WW)
DELETED → § 2.4
4.13 Distinguished Merit (DM)
DELETED → FIFe Breeding & Registration Rules, § 5.3.2
4.14 Distinguished Show Merit (DSM)
This title is only available at International Shows and is available to adult cats of fully recognised breeds and to house cats. To obtain the title, the cat must win Best in Show (BIS) or Best in Show Opposite Sex (BOS) a minimum of 10 times in classes 1-10 or 14.
The shortest qualifying period possible is two years and one day between the first Best in Show or Best in Show Opposite Sex and the tenth. This is to prevent a cat becoming a DSM too quickly.
4.15 Junior Winner (JW)
This title is only available at International Shows to cats of fully recognised breeds.
In order to obtain the title, the cat must win Best in Show a minimum of 5 times in classes 11 and/or 12.
Exceptions are made for individual members residing in the countries as outlined in Annex 5.
4.16 Distinguished Variety Merit (DVM)
This title is only available at National and International Shows to cats of recognised varieties of fully or preliminary recognised breeds.
To obtain the title, the cat must win Best in Variety a minimum of 10 times in classes 1-12.
The shortest qualifying period possible is two years and one day between the first Best in Variety and the tenth. This is to prevent a cat becoming a DVM too quickly.
4.17 National Winner (NW)
FIFe Members may award the title National Winner (NW) annually according to their own criteria which must be published in advance of the relevant year.
The following conditions must be met:
- FIFe Members may award a maximum of 15 cats the NW title in any single calendar year;
cats may only obtain one NW title in any single calendar year
- such cats must have competed in the show classes 1 – 12 or 14 at shows during the relevant year; FIFe Members may decide a minimum number of shows
- FIFe Members may only base the competition for NW titles on the results of shows organised bythemselves
- FIFe Members may only award the NW title to cats of fully recognised breeds registered in their own Pedigree Book (as well as to house cats), and which belong to their own individual members
- the winning cats will have their NW title, also mentioning the year, registered in the same way as other official FIFe titles (→ §4.1.1)
- the names of the National Winner cats must be published.
4.18 Distinguished Senior Winner (DSW)
This title is only available at International Shows to cats of fully recognized breeds and to house cats.
In order to obtain the title, the cat must win Best in Show (BIS) or Best In Show opposite Sex (BOS) a minimum of 5 times after 01.01.2022 in classes 1-10 or 14 at age of minimum 7 years.
The shortest qualifying period possible is one year and one day between the first Best in Show or Best in Show Opposite Sex and the fifth.
5 Show classes
5.1 Competing in the correct class
Classification is according to FIFe rules.
The age of all exhibits must appear on the judge’s report.
The breed standard applied is the standard recognised by FIFe. A cat can only compete in the class in which it belongs.
5.2 Diplomas
→ § 6.8.2.
5.3 Competing in the neuter class
When a Champion, International Champion, Grand International Champion or Supreme Champion is neutered, it may, while retaining its title, be eligible for the titles Premior, International Premior, Grand International Premior or Supreme Premior.
5.4 The official show classes
Show organisers must adhere to the following official show classes:
Class | Name of class | Certificate |
1 | Supreme Champion | – |
2 | Supreme Premior | – |
3 | Grand International Champion | CACS |
4 | Grand International Premior | CAPS |
5 | International Champion | CAGCIB |
6 | International Premior | CAGPIB |
7 | Champion | CACIB |
8 | Premior | CAPIB |
9 | Open | CAC |
10 | Neuter | CAP |
11 | Junior (8-12 months) | CACJ |
12 | Kitten (4-8 months) | CACC |
13a | Novice | – |
13b | Control | – |
13c | Determination | – |
14 | House cat | – |
In all categories classes 1 up to 12 are subdivided with regard to breed, variety and sex.
Cats competing within classes 1 up to 12 can compete for Best in Variety with regard to § 4.8 and for Best in Show with regard to § 4.9 and 5.5.4.
Cats competing within class 14 can compete for Best in Show house cat with regard to § 4.9.
Class 1: Supreme Champion class
This class is open to cats which have already received the title ‘Supreme Champion’. The exhibit will receive a judge’s report marked ‘Prize of Honour’ and will no longer be classified.
Class 2: Supreme Premior class
This class is open to castrated cats which have already obtained the title ‘Supreme Premior’. The exhibit will receive a judge’s report marked ‘Prize of Honour’ and will no longer be classified.
Class 3: Grand International Champion class
This class is open to cats which have already received the title ‘Grand International Champion’. In this class a CACS is awarded.
Class 4: Grand International Premior class
This class is open to castrated cats which have already obtained the title ‘Grand International Premior’. In this class a CAPS is awarded.
Class 5: International Champion class
This class is open to cats which have already received the title ‘International Champion’. In this class a CAGCIB is awarded.
Class 6: International Premior class
This class is open to castrated cats which have already obtained the title ‘International Premior’. In this class a CAGPIB is awarded.
Class 7: Champion class
This class is open to cats which have already received the title ‘Champion’. In this class a CACIB is awarded.
Class 8: Premior class
This class is open to castrated cats which have already obtained the title ‘Premior’. In this class a CAPIB is awarded.
Class 9: Open class
This class is open to cats which are aged at least 12 months during the show, in consideration of § 1.17.e and § 3.1. In this class a CAC is awarded.
Class 10: Neuter class
This class is open to castrated cats which are aged at least 12 months during the show, in consideration of § 1.17.e and § 3.1. In this class a CAP is awarded.
Class 11: Junior (8-12 months) class
This class is open to cats which are aged 7 months during the show, but not yet 12 months old, in consideration of § 1.17.e and § 3.1. In this class a CACJ is awarded.
Class 12: Kitten (4-8 months) class
This class is open to cats which are aged 4 months during the show, but not yet 8 months old, in consideration of § 1.17.e and § 3.1. In this class a CACC is awarded.
Class 13a: Novice class
A novice is a cat whose parents are unknown or a cat without pedigree. A novice can only be exhibited in the Novice class:
- once,
- on international shows in its own country,
- at a minimum age of 12 months,
- as XLH/XSH * followed by the EMS code of the target breed between brackets, and
- after having been checked by the National FIFe Member with regard to the FIFe Breeding & Registration Rules, § 9.2.
In this class cats are checked by 2 International FIFe judges and this may be done before the official judging starts.
In non-European countries this check can also be done by:
- 2 non-European FIFe judges, or
- an International FIFe judge together with a non-European FIFe judge. Judges must be qualified for the relevant category.
The show organiser must provide the judges with a written explanation as to why the cat is presented in this class.
The cat must obtain the qualification “Excellent” (according to the target breed standard for recognised breeds) respectively “I” (according to the proposed standard for non-recognised breeds) in order to authorise re-registration in its target breed (→ FIFe Breeding & Registration Rules, § 9.2.3).
The signatures of both judges are obligatory.
After the required qualification in the class has been obtained, the cat can be shown in the target breed. At the show organiser’s discretion, this may be permitted at the same show where the qualification was obtained before the official judging started.
Class 13b: Control class
The Control class is for those breeds that are being developed or where crossbreeding is being permitted for purposes previously agreed by the National FIFe Member.
A cat can only be exhibited in the Control class:
- on international shows in its own country,
- at a minimum age of 4 months,
- as XLH/XSH * followed by the EMS code of the target breed between brackets, and
- after having been checked by the National FIFe Member with regard to the FIFe Breeding & Registration Rules § 9.1.
In this class cats are checked by 2 International FIFe judges and this may be done before the official judging starts. In non-European countries this check can also be done by:
- 2 non-European FIFe judges, or
- an International FIFe judge together with a non-European FIFe judge. Judges must be qualified for the relevant category.
The show organiser must provide the judges with a written explanation as to why the cat is presented in this class.
The cat does not receive a written evaluation, but must obtain the qualification “Excellent” (according to the target breed standard for recognised breeds) respectively “I” (according to the proposed standard for non-recognised breeds) in order to authorise re-registration in its target breed (→ FIFe Breeding & Registration Rules, § 9.1.3).
The signatures of both judges are obligatory.
After the required qualification in the class has been obtained, the cat can be shown in the target breed. At the show organiser’s discretion, this may be permitted at the same show where the qualification was obtained before the official judging started.
Class 13c: Determination class
To establish its correct EMS-code, a cat can be checked in the Determination class for its coat colour or any other trait at the request of the FIFe Member or the exhibitor.
In this class cats are checked by 2 International FIFe judges and this may be done before the official judging starts. In non-European countries this check can also be done by:
- 2 non-European FIFe judges, or
- an International FIFe judge together with a non-European FIFe judge. Judges must be qualified for the relevant category.
The cat does not receive a written evaluation, a qualification or a classification, but only a confirmation of its full EMS-code, to be signed by both judges.
Judges cannot transfer an exhibit from one breed to another breed, except to a sister breed or when an administrative error is established by the show secretariat.
Class 14: House cat class
House cats should be judged according to their FIFe Standard (→ General Part of the Standards).
5.5 Non-standard / Non-recognised / Preliminary recognised / House cats
5.5.1 Non-standard varieties
Exhibits belonging to a non-standard variety of a breed must be entered for a show and appear in the catalogue and on the judge’s report as XLH * <XXX> or XSH * <XXX>
(→ FIFe Breeding & Registration Rules § 6.1).
* means additional information following the EMS system; i.e. lower-case basic colour letter, etc., XXX is the EMS code of the originating breed
On shows non-standard varieties are considered as longhair/shorthair progeny (XLH/XSH): → § 5.5.3.
5.5.2 Non-recognised varieties
Exhibits which belong to a non-recognised variety, must be entered for a show and appear in the catalogue and on the judge’s report under their applicable EMS breed code, with the addition of the letter “x”, indicating the variety is non-recognised.
For example: PER x *, EXO x *, SBI x *, BSH x *, ABY x *, OSH x *.
- means additional information following the EMS system; i.e. lower-case basic colour letter, etc.
Exhibits which belong to a non-recognised variety:
- will be subdivided in the classes 9 – 12 according to breed, variety, sex and age
- will receive a qualification (Excellent, Very Good, Good) and will be classified (1, 2, 3, 4) in their class, but will not receive a certificate (CAC, CAP)
- may compete together for a Best of Non-recognised Variety, but this unofficial title never counts towards a DVM-title, even after the full recognition of the variety in question
- may not be nominated for Best in Show, nor obtain a Best in Show title.
5.5.3 Non-recognised breeds (non * and XLH/XSH)
Exhibits belonging to a non-recognised breed must be entered and appear in the catalogue and on the judges’ report under their EMS breed code, followed by the addition “non” to indicate a non-recognised breed (→ FIFe Breeding & Registration Rules, § 8.1).
If no breed code is available, one of the following codes must be used:
- XLH * followed by the fully written breed name between brackets for a longhair exhibit
- XSH * followed by the fully written breed name between brackets for a shorthair exhibit.
- means additional information following the EMS system; i.e. lower-case basic colour letter, etc.
Exhibits which belong to a non-recognised breed:
- will be subdivided in the classes 9 – 12 according to breed, sex and age.
- will only be classified I, II, III and IV in their class and not receive a qualification; in case of a class larger than 4 entries, all other exhibits in this class will be classified V (joint 5th place)
- may compete together for a Best of Non-recognised Variety or Best of Non-recognised Breed, but these unofficial titles never count towards a DVM- or DSM-title, even after the full recognition of the breed in question.
- may not be nominated for Best in Show, nor obtain a Best in Show title.
Show organisers must inform the judges well in advance of the show date as to which non-recognised breeds they have to judge.
5.5.4 Preliminary recognised varieties and breeds
Exhibits belonging to a preliminary recognised variety of a recognised breed or to a preliminary recognised breed (→ Table Categories at shows, page 36):
- will be subdivided in the classes 7 – 12 according to breed, sex and age
- will receive a qualification (Excellent, Very Good, Good) and will be classified (1, 2, 3, 4)
- may only be shown out of competition after having obtained the last required certificate in class 7 or 8 (CACIB or CAPIB)may compete for Best in Varietymay not be nominated for Best in Show, nor obtain a Best in Show titlemay also be entered in classes 13a (Novices), 13b (Control) and 13c (Determination), if applicable
- preliminary recognised breeds may compete for a Best of Preliminary recognised breed, but this unofficial title never counts towards a DSM-title, even after the full recognition of the breed in question.
5.5.5 House cats
House cats:
- will be subdivided in class 14 according to their EMS code (HCL or HCS) and sex
- will only be classified I, II, III and IV in their class and not receive a qualification; in case of a class larger than 4 entries, all other exhibits in this class will be classified V (joint 5th place)
- cannot compete for Best in Variety
- have their own Best in Show according to § 4.9 or § 2.8.
5.6 Additional show classes
The show organiser is allowed to establish additional show classes with regard to their local customs, for example classes for:
- Pairs
- Studs
- Groups
- National breeding
- Imported cats
- Catteries
- Queens and Studs
- Veterans.
The show organiser must inform the judge in advance, that he has to judge additional classes.
Exhibits in additional classes will only be classified I, II, III and IV, but will not receive a qualification.
In case of a class larger than 4 entries, all other exhibits in this class will be classified V (joint 5th place).
6 Judges, stewards and judging
6.1 Judges
6.1.1 FIFe judges
- The current list of FIFe judges is published on the FIFe website.
On request a full printed version of this judges list can be send to a FIFe Member or a FIFe judge.
- Only a judge recognised by FIFe is allowed to judge at a national or an international show, which is organised by a FIFe Member or a club affiliated to the FIFe Member.
- A judge must be invited in writing (→ § 1.10.i) by a show organiser.
- A judge must reply to a written invitation within a maximum time of one month of receipt.
- A judge may only accept an invitation to a national or an international show, which is listed in the official FIFe show calendar. This show list is published on the FIFe website.
A breach of this rule will result in disciplinary actions.
- A judge who – for whatever reason – cancels an already accepted invitation to officiate at a show may only accept an invitation for another show on the same date after the show organiser who sent the original invitation, which was cancelled, has agreed in writing.
A breach of this rule will result in disciplinary actions.
- A dormant judge may not officiate at any show.
6.1.2 Non-FIFe judges
- A FIFe Member wishing to invite a non-FIFe judge to officiate at a FIFe show must first obtain the permission of the FIFe Board, separately for each assignment.
- The organiser of a show where a non-FIFe judge is to officiate must provide that judge in advance with the Show Rules, the Judges Rules and the Standards of FIFe.
- At a FIFe show, a non-FIFe judge is authorised to judge – according to the FIFe Standards and Rules – those breeds which he is licensed to judge by his own organisation.
- After the permission as outlined in § 6.1.2.a has been obtained, the name of the non-FIFe judge and the organisation with which he is licensed to judge must be stated in the show schedule (→ § 1.10.c) and the show catalogue (→ § 1.14).
- A non-FIFe judge cannot:
- act as an instructing judge
- supervise a stage
- act as an examiner
- officiate at shows as outlined in § 2 (World Show and Winner Shows)
- judge more than three weekends per calendar year at FIFe shows.
- At least 75% of the judges officiating at a FIFe show must be FIFe judges.
- A FIFe Member may not be permitted to have non-FIFe judges officiating at its shows more than 3 times per calendar year, regardless the show type.
6.1.3 Number of cats to be judged
Under normal circumstances a judge should not have more than:
- 80 cats to judge during a two-day show
- 40 cats to judge during a one-day show,
however, an instructing or examining judge should not have more than:
- 60 cats to judge during an international two-day show
- 30 cats to judge during an international one-day show.
Non-European FIFe Members are allowed, provided the judges are informed in writing in advance, to organise shows where the judges should not have more than:
- 120 cats to judge during a two-day show
- 60 cats to judge during a one-day show,
however, an instructing or examining judge should not have more than:
- 90 cats to judge during an international two-day show
- 45 cats to judge during an international one-day show.
Exceptions apply to the World Show and Winner Shows (→ § 2.7).
6.1.4 Student judges
It is recommended that a show organiser accepts at least 1 student judge at each International Show.
The student judge must send his application to the show organiser at least one month before the show. He must name the FIFe Member where he holds his membership and, if applicable, his mentor. The student judge must send a copy of his application to the FIFe Member, in which he holds his membership. The show organiser must answer an application from a student judge in due time prior to the date of the show, in writing.
The show organiser must give an officiating judge advance notice of the following:
- if he is to instruct a student judge (only one per judge);
- if he needs to supervise a stage (only one per judge).
Judges may refuse such functions in writing and should make this known to the organiser.
6.1.5 Parallel judging
The show organiser is required to ensure that:
- the student judge has at least one steward at his disposal during the entire parallel judging,
- the parallel judging takes place under similar conditions as the official judging (light, cages, ring, etc.).
6.1.6 Practical judges’ examination
The practical part of a judges’ examination can be taken either during an international one-day show, or international two days show where at least 50 cats in the relevant category are entered; for shows in non-European countries: at least 35 cats in the category (→ FIFe Rules for Judges & Student Judges § 2.3.6 and 4.4.2).
Exception for breed group examinations: at least 30 cats in the relevant breed group must be entered (→ FIFe Rules for Judges & Student Judges Annex 3).
An examination can only be taken on the first day of a two-certificate show or a “border show”.
Cats that are part of the practical examination shall only be presented to the candidate by the stewards.
Cats judged by the candidate, need not necessarily be judged by the examiners.
The candidate must not hear or see judgements of the cats in the category concerned. The show organiser is required to ensure that:
- the candidate has at least two stewards at his disposal during the entire part of the practical examination;
- the practical examination takes place under similar conditions as the official judging (light, cages, ring).
6.1.7 Exhibition of cats when officiating as a judge or as a student judge
A judge or student judge may only exhibit their own cats “Out of competition” at a show where they are officiating.
At a 1-certificate show, divided in categories during 2 or more days, it is not allowed to officiate as a judge on the one day and exhibit on the other day.
Members of an officiating student judge’s household may exhibit their own cat(s), but not in the category or categories in which the student judge is officiating.
Exhibits belonging to members of an officiating judge’s household cannot compete at such a show.
6.1.8 Prohibition of possessing a show catalogue during judging
It is prohibited for judges and student judges to possess a show catalogue before the Best in Show has taken place.
6.1.9 Reimbursement of expenses and judges’ allowance
Judges officiating at a show are entitled to:
- reimbursement of travel expenses (1st class train fare or economy class air fare)
- the provision of food and accommodation for the duration of the show
- if necessary, an additional night’s meal and accommodation before returning home
- an allowance, which is a compensation for lost time
- reimbursement of expenses and allowance in euro currency, unless otherwise agreed with the show organiser
- their preferred payment method for reimbursement, unless otherwise agreed with the showorganiser
- payment of reimbursement or proof there-of at the latest on the last day of the show at which the judge officiates.
The amount of the judges’ allowance is fixed by the FIFe General Assembly. The current amounts are listed in Annex 1 of the FIFe General Rules. A show organiser is free to grant a further allowance above this amount.
A probational judge, who is carrying out a stage and performing the function of a full judge, shall be fully reimbursed.
6.2 Stewards
6.2.1 Duties of a steward
The steward must assist the judge and observe the following:
- while stewarding in the judge’s ring he must be dressed to identify himself as a steward
- be able to move a cat correctly to and from a cage
- not leave the judge until judging is completed
- take reasonable actions to avoid presenting his own cat except at a show where the exhibitors are allowed to present their own cat
- not make comments or offer opinions about an exhibit
- with the judge’s permission, inform the exhibitors of judging results
- inform the show secretariat if a cage is empty
- be at least 15 years of age.
6.2.2 Assistance by stewards
A judge must be assisted by at least two stewards and may be further assisted by a secretary who is appointed by the show organiser.
Where the exhibitors are presenting the cats to the judges themselves, only one steward is necessary.
6.2.3 Steward certificates
The show organiser is required to provide the judges with the necessary steward certificates before judging commences.
The show organiser is recommended to use the steward certificate which is available for downloading on the FIFe website and which may be adjusted, if needed.
The steward certificate is to be issued in one of the three official FIFe languages, i.e. English, French or German.
The judge must mark on the steward certificate:
- whether it is a show where stewards are presenting the cats or a show where the owners are allowed to present the cats themselves
- the categories in which the steward has presented cats in the Best in Show panel.
The judge should give the original steward certificate directly to the steward.
6.2.4 Training of stewards
Each FIFe Member is responsible for the training of stewards.
6.3 Absent exhibits
Exhibits can only be declared “absent” on the judge’s report after the steward has checked with the show secretariat.
Exhibits which are absent from their cages during judging of the class to which they belong, cannot be classified later. They can afterwards be qualified by the judge but without classification.
6.4 Consideration for the age of an exhibit
In assessing an exhibit, the judge must take into consideration the overall condition of the exhibit with regard to its age.
6.5 Transfer of an exhibit during judging
A judge cannot transfer an exhibit from one class or variety, group or breed to another class, variety, group or breed unless an administrative error is established by the show secretariat.
The judge should submit a transfer recommendation for the next show. A cat being in the wrong variety, group or breed receives a full report with the proposed breed, variety or group, but without qualification and classification.
In case of a change of breed, the proposed breed may only be a sister breed. In the case of a change of group, the judge should submit a transfer recommendation for the next show.
Transfer recommendations require the judge’s report to be signed by a second officiating judge qualified for the relevant category.
6.6 No judging in front of the exhibition cages
It is prohibited to judge in front of the exhibition cages.
6.7 Judge’s ring
6.7.1 Access to the judge’s ring
Access to the judge’s ring is prohibited to:
- exhibitors, except if the show is organised according to § 6.7.2.b and § 6.7.2.c
- members of the organising committee if they are exhibitors, except if the show is organised according to § 6.7.2.b and § 6.7.2.c
- visitors.
6.7.2 Presentation procedures
Each FIFe Member may organise shows according to one of the following procedures:
- The cats are fetched and presented by the stewards:
- each judge has at least two stewards at his own disposal
- the cats are brought to their judging’ cages by the stewards and are presented to the judge by the stewards
- the steward will take reasonable actions to avoid presenting his own cat.
- The cats are brought by the exhibitors and presented by the stewards:
- each judge has at least one steward at his own disposal
- the steward calls up the cats (catalogue number) which the judge requires or places the number on the judging cage
- the exhibitor (or a person chosen by him) has the possibility of placing the cat inside the appropriate judging cage
- after the cat is placed inside its judging cage, the exhibitor must leave the judge’s ring
- if an exhibitor is not able – or does not wish – to bring his cat(s) to the judging cage himself, the steward is obliged to fetch the cat and to place it inside the appropriate judging cage
- the cats are presented to the judge by the stewards.
- The cats are brought and presented by the exhibitors:
- each judge has one steward at his own disposal
- the steward calls up the cats (catalogue number) which the judge requires or places the number on the judging cage
- the exhibitor (or a person chosen by him) has the possibility of placing the cat inside the appropriate judging cage
- after the cat is placed inside its judging cage, the exhibitor must leave the judge’s ring
- when the judge or steward calls up the cat by its catalogue number, the cat is presented to the judge by the exhibitor
- if an exhibitor is not able – or does not wish – to bring or present his cat(s) himself, the steward is obliged to fetch the cat and to place it inside the appropriate judging cage and/or present it to thejudge.
Regardless the applicable procedure:
- each judge has his judging cages available for a minimum number of 4 cats
- the cats should always be presented with the catalogue number in writing
- it is obligatory to judge before the public; the judge is free to give explanations and announce the results
- once the judge has completed his judging or once the judges’ results have been given, the judge or his steward will ask the exhibitors to collect their cats, or the steward takes the cat back to the exhibition cage
- during the Best in Show only the stewards are permitted to present the cats (→ § 4.9.6).
6.7.3 Electronic devices
6.8 Judge’s report
6.8.1 Layout and language
The layout of the judge’s reports must be uniform as far as possible for all shows held under FIFe rules and must carry the FIFe logo. Headings must be in English, French and German. Organisers are free to add their national language.
The official documents and judge’s reports, submitted for signature to the judge before judging is ended, may not mention the name of the exhibit or the name of the owner.
The judge’s report must contain at least the following data:
- place and date of the show
- catalogue number of the cat to be judged
- designation of breed and colour (EMS-code)
- group number (where applicable)
- date of birth
- sex
- class in which the cat is to be judged.
The judge can write his reports either in one of the three official FIFe languages (English, French or German) or in the language (or one of the official languages) of the country where the show is organised. The judge’s reports must be legible.
The judges’ reports issued for breeds in preliminary recognition phase must be written only in one of the official FIFe languages and contain as many details as possible with reference to the standards.
6.8.2 Diplomas and distribution
The cat’s name must be stated on a diploma accompanying the judge’s report.
Otherwise, the cat’s name must be put on the judge’s report by the show organiser as soon as Best in Show judging is completed.
The judge’s reports must be distributed to the exhibitors during the show.
6.9 Qualification and classification
The judges award a qualification to each entry in all classes with the exception of:
- classes 1 and 2: Supreme Champions and Supreme Premiors; → § 5.4
- class 13c: determination; → § 5.4
- class 14: house cats (HCL/HCS); → § 5.5.3
- classes of non-recognised breeds with EMS breed code (* non); → § 5.5.3
- classes of other non-recognised longhair/shorthair breeds/progeny (XLH/XSH); → § 5.5.1 and § 5.5.3
- additional classes; → § 5.6.
- for a minimum of 88 points: Excellent
- for a minimum of 76 points: Very Good
- for a minimum of 61 points: Good.
- in the same class the exhibits will be classified with 1, 2, 3 and 4
- there are no joint places.
No exhibit can be awarded a certificate unless it has obtained Excellent 1 and the minimum of points for its class:
- class 3-4: CACS – CAPS = 97 points
- class 5-6: CAGCIB – CAGPIB = 96 points
- class 7-8: CACIB – CAPIB = 95 points
- class 9-10: CAC – CAP = 93 points
- class 11: CACJ = 93 points
- class 12: CACC = 93 points
A judge may award the following certificates:
Country > | European | Non-European | ||
v Judge Show> | National | International | National | International |
Non-European judge | cannot officiate | cannot officiate* | CACC, CACJ, CAC/CAP | all certificates |
International judge | CACC, CACJ, CAC/CAP | all certificates | CACC, CACJ, CAC/CAP | all certificates |
* except with permission from the FIFe Board (→ FIFe Rules for Judges & Student Judges, § 4.2.7.b)
6.10 Countersigning
If the requirement towards the number of different judges – as laid down in § 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 and 4.5 – will not be met, the exhibitor can request a judge who has already previously awarded a certificate to an exhibit in a class which he has to judge again, to countersign the new certificate by another qualified judge officiating at the show.
In this case the two certificates are to be considered as given by two different judges.
6.11 Withholding certificates
For faults precluding the certificate, please refer to the Table of faults in the Annexes.
Judges are at liberty to withhold a certificate if in their opinion the exhibit placed first does not possess sufficient merit.
The reason for withholding a certificate must be stated on the completed judge’s report. The signature of a second judge is not compulsory.
6.12 Disqualification
For disqualifying faults, please refer to the Table of faults in the Annexes. In case of a disqualification:
- the judge’s report does not have to be completed
- the judge’s report must not give a qualification and/or classification, but must state the reason fordisqualification
- the judge may call upon the opinion of the officiating veterinarian.
6.13 Judges’ decisions
Judges’ decisions cannot be disputed.
7 Responsibility and exclusion
7.1 Observance of the show rules
The show organising FIFe Member is responsible to FIFe for the observance of the Show Rules.
7.2 Shows in countries where there is no FIFe Member
When a FIFe Member organises a show in another country where there is no FIFe Member, the certificates gained will be counted for the individual members of this national FIFe Member as certificates gained in their own country and not as certificates gained abroad.
7.3 The non-smoking rules
Smoking in show halls is strictly prohibited with the exception of designated areas.
7.4 Violation of the rules
FIFe Members must notify the FIFe Board of any violation of the rules demonstrated during a show in a detailed, accurate report within two months of the show in question.
The FIFe Board will deliberate according to the Statutes.
7.5 Investigation by the Show Commission
All cases not catered for in the present rules and all disputes will be investigated by the FIFe Show Commission which will then send their report and recommendations to the FIFe Board; the Board shall report its conclusions to the Show Commission.
8 “Open Doors”
8.1 Showing in non-FIFe clubs
8.2 Open Doors
- Permit non-FIFe members to participate as exhibitors on FIFe shows and permit individual FIFe members to exhibit on non-FIFe shows.
- Exhibitors belonging to any non-FIFe organisation may enter cats at FIFe shows under the following conditions:
- all non-FIFe exhibitors must agree to respect all FIFe Rules and Standards
- they may only enter their cats in classes 12, 11 and 9 or 10; if they wish to enter cats in higher classes, they should become individual members of a FIFe Member
- all applications from non-FIFe exhibitors should be sent in accordance with the instructions of the organisers
- all entry fees from non-FIFe exhibitors should be paid in accordance with the instructions of the organisers.
- FIFe certificates may only be obtained at FIFe shows and are the only certificates valid to obtain a FIFe title.
ANNEXES – Exceptions to the Show Rules
Annex 1 – Reduced minimum number of cats required for international shows
Permit Asia, Belarus, Iceland, Latin America, Russia and the United Kingdom as well as patronage members to organise international shows with a minimum number of 80 cats.
Annex 2 – Number of certificates, countries and judges for the titles IC/IP
Permit all certificates to be granted in one country for the title:
– International Champion/Premior: 5 CACIB/CAPIB by at least 3 different judges.
This exception is valid for Belarus, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Russia, Spain and Ukraine until 31.12.2026.
Annex 3 – Number of certificates, countries and judges for the titles IC/IP, GIC/GIP and SC/SP
Permit all certificates to be granted in one country for the title:
- International Champion/Premior: 5 CACIB/CAPIB by at least 3 different judges
- Grand International Champion/Premior: 7 CAGCIB/CAGPIB by at least 5 different judges
- Supreme Champion/Premior: 10 CACS/CAPS by at least 7 different judges.
This exception is valid for Greece, Iceland and the United Kingdom because of their geographic location.
Annex 4A/4B – Number of certificates, countries and judges for titles in Asia and Latin America
Permit all certificates to be granted in one country for the title:
- Champion/Premior: 3 CAC/CAP by at least 2 different judges (only for Indonesia)
- International Champion/Premior: 3 CACIB/CAPIB by 3 different judges (for Indonesia: by at least 2 different judges at least 2 different judges)
- Grand International Champion/Premior: 6 CAGCIB/CAGPIB by at least 4 different judges
- Supreme Champion/Premior: 9 CACS/CAPS by at least 5 different judges.
This exception is valid for Asia (except Indonesia) and Latin America in classes 3 – 8 and for Indonesia in classes 3 – 10..
Annex 5 – Number of Best in Shows for the title Junior Winner
Permit the title Junior Winner to be awarded to a cat which has won Best in Show 3 times in classes 11 and/or 12.
This exception is valid for Iceland, Latin America and Malaysia.
TABLE 1 – Exceptions to the Show Rules
Annex | Country | Minimum cats | Classes 7 & 8 | Classes 5 & 6 | Classes 3 & 4 |
1 | Asia Belarus Iceland Latin America Russia United Kingdom Patronage members | 80 | —– | —– | —– |
2 | Belarus Italy Norway Portugal Russia Spain Ukraine | —– | 5 x CACIB/CAPIB 1 country 3 different judges | —– | —– |
3 | Greece Iceland United Kingdom | —– | 5 x CACIB/CAPIB 1 country 3 different judges | 7 x CAGCIB/CAGPIB 1 country 5 different judges | 10 x CACS/CAPS 1 country 7 different judges |
4A | Asia (except Indonesia) Latin America | —– | 3 x CACIB/CAPIB 1 country 3 different judges | 6 x CAGCIB/CAGPIB 1 country 4 different judges | 9 x CACS/CAPS 1 country 5 different judges |
4B | Indonesia | —– | 3 x CACIB/CAPIB 1 country 2 different judges | 6 x CAGCIB/CAGPIB 1 country 4 different judges | 9 x CACS/CAPS 1 country 5 different judges |
5 | Iceland Latin America Malaysia | Allow 3 x Best in Show in classes 11 and/or 12 to qualify for the title Junior Winner |
TABLE 2 – Best in Variety: minimum possibilities
12+ = classes 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 8–12 = class 11 4–8 = class 12
TABLE 3 – Disqualifying and general faults
DISQ = fault leading to disqualification (→ § 6.12)
NO EX = general fault precluding Excellent and any higher award
NO CERT = general fault precluding the certificate and any higher award than Excellent (→ § 6.11)
1. | Body | ||||
1.1 | Deformities of the bone structure,deformities of the rib cage, including a flat chest, or any apparent deformity of the spine | DISQ | |||
1.2 | Any apparent weakness restricting the ability to move | DISQ | |||
1.3 | Dwarfism | DISQ | |||
1.4 | De-clawed cats (claws amputated) | DISQ | |||
1.5 | Deformities of the feet or legs, for example poly- or oligodactylism (too many or too few toes) | DISQ | |||
1.6 | Cats with an umbilical hernia | DISQ | |||
1.7 | A cat showing any testicular anomaly | DISQ | Except for cats younger than 12 months | ||
1.8 | Unneutered house cats | DISQ | |||
1.9 | Any fixed deviation of the sternum or xiphisternum | DISQ | Except for neuters and cats younger than 12 months | ||
2. | Head | ||||
2.1 | Deformity of the skull resulting in an asymmetrical face and/or head | DISQ | |||
2.2 | Any depressions, protrusions or fissures in the skull | DISQ | |||
2.3 | Narrow nostrils, loud and difficult breathing | NO CERT | |||
3. | Jaws, dentition and tongue | ||||
3.1 | Cut teeth | NOEX | |||
3.2 | Crooked jaws | NOEX | |||
3.3 | Overshot or undershot jaw of more than 2 mm | NO CERT | |||
3.4 | Persistent exposure of teeth and/or tongue | NO CERT | |||
4. | Eyes | ||||
4.1 | Blind cats | DISQ | |||
4.2 | Abnormal size and form of the eyes and eyelids (entropion, ectropion) | DISQ | |||
4.3 | Cross-eyed (squinting) cats | DISQ | |||
4.4 | Tendency to squint | NO CERT | |||
4.5 | Eyes set too deep or protruding | NO CERT | |||
4.6 | Injuries of the eye, for example corneal injuries | NO CERT | |||
5. | Ears | ||||
5.1 | Deaf cats | DISQ | |||
5.2 | Cats with cropped ears | DISQ | |||
6. | Colour | ||||
6.1 | All white spots, which are not allowed in the standard | NOEX | |||
6.2 | All pigmentation faults leading to a colour loss on the – nose leather, – paw pads and/or – lips, which are not permitted in the standard | NO CERT | |||
6.3 | Insufficient contrast between points and body colour on Siamese pointed cats | NO CERT |
7. | Tail | ||||
7. | Cats with docked tails | DISQ | |||
7.2 | Any tail deformities, for example a kink or a knot | NO CERT | Except for neuters aged 12 months and older, bobtailed breeds and house cats | ||
8. | Behaviour and condition | ||||
8.1 | Aggressive catsIf two stewards are unable to take a cat out of its cage, it may not compete.If a cat is aggressive at three shows, it is left to the discretion of the Member or organising club whether to withdraw the cat from future competition. | DISQ | |||
8.2 | Doped catsCats which have had tranquillizers administered,affecting the nervous system and/or substances that extend the pupils of the eyes | DISQ | |||
8.3 | Pregnant or lactating queens | DISQ | Such cats must be put into quarantine immediately | ||
8.4 | Cats which the veterinarian determines to be ill during the show | DISQ | Such cats must be removed immediately from the show hall, together with all other cats belonging to the same exhibitor(→ § 3.8) | ||
8.5 | Cats which show obvious signs of bad health | DISQ | Such cats must be put into quarantine immediately | ||
8.6 | Cats showing lack of cleanliness(e.g. dirty ears, presence of parasites) | DISQ | |||
8.7 | Cats which have been given cosmetic treatment (dyeing or colour rinsing) | DISQ | |||
8.8 | Tattooed cats | DISQ | Except when having a tattoo with an identifying code as a form of registration (→ FIFe Breeding & Registration Rules § 3.4) | ||
8.9 | Undernourished or obese cats | NO CERT | |||
8.10 | All signs of bad health (condition), too thin cats, etc. | NO CERT | |||
8.11 | Cats which have been powdered excessively | NO CERT | |||
9. | Breed specific faults (for more details: see the breed standards) | ||||
9.1 | Faults leading to disqualification | DISQ | BAL/SIA, BEN, JBS, KBL/KBS, KOR, LPL/LPS, LYO, OCI,RAG, SIN, THA | ||
9.2 | Faults precluding the certificate and any award higher than Excellent | NO CERT | ABY/SOM, ACL/ACS, BAL/SIA, BOM, BUR, EUR, LPL/LPS, LYO, OLH/OSH, PEB, SBI,THA |
TABLE 4 – Categories at shows
Fully recognised breeds | |||||||
EXO / PER | ACL / ACS | BEN | ABY / SOM | ||||
Exotic / Persian | American Curl Longhair / Shorthair | Bengal | Abyssinian / Somali | ||||
RAG | LPL / LPS | BLH / BSH | BAL / SIA | ||||
Ragdoll | LaPerm Longhair / Shorthair | British Longhair / Shorthair | Balinese / Siamese | ||||
SBI | MCO | BML | CRX | ||||
Sacred Birman | Maine Coon | Burmilla | Cornish Rex | ||||
TUV | NEM / SIB | BUR | DRX | ||||
Turkish Van | Neva Masquerade / Siberian | Burmese | Devon Rex | ||||
NFO | CHA | DSP | |||||
Norwegian Forest Cat | Chartreux | Don Sphynx | |||||
TUA | CYM / MAN | GRX | |||||
Turkish Angora | Cymric / Manx | German Rex | |||||
EUR | JBS | ||||||
European | Japanese Bobtail Shorthair | ||||||
KBL / KBS | OLH / OSH | ||||||
Kurilean Bobtail Longhair / Shorthair | Oriental Longhair / Shorthair | ||||||
KOR | PEB | ||||||
Korat | Peterbald | ||||||
MAU | RUS | ||||||
Egyptian Mau | Russian Blue | ||||||
OCI | SPH | ||||||
Ocicat | Sphynx | ||||||
SIN | THA | ||||||
Singapura | Thai | ||||||
SNO | |||||||
Snowshoe | |||||||
SOK | |||||||
Sokoke | |||||||
SRL / SRS | |||||||
Selkirk Rex Longhair / Shorthair | |||||||
Preliminary recognised breeds | |||||||
BOM | LYO | ||||||
Bombay | Lykoi | ||||||
Preliminary recognised varieties | |||||||
Currently no varieties of fully recognised breeds in preliminary recognition phase |